where does the conversation take place

where does the conversation take place

1. where does the conversation take place ?
2. what is Ara looking for ?
3. how many books does Mrs .Tina have ?
4. which book does Ara borrow ?
5. ” i have searched it ……..? ” what does the underlined word mean ?


1. Where does the conversation take place?

The conversation takes place in the library.

2. What is Ara looking for?

Ara is looking for a book about science.

3. How many books does Mrs. Tina have?

Mrs. Tina has two books.

4. Which book does Ara borrow?

Ara borrows A Philosopher Looks Science.

5. “I have searched it ….”

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What does the underlined word mean?

Searched means looked for, found out.


Dialog di atas adalah percakapan antara Ara dan Mrs Tina. Ara meminta bantuan Mrs. Tina untuk buku yang dicarinya. Ara ingin memnjam buku sains. Mrs. Tina menyarankan dua buku yang ia miliki. Percakapan ini berlangsung di perpustakaan (in the library).

2. Untuk jawabannya dapat ditemukan pada:

Ara: “I need a book about science. ….”

3. Perhatikan percakapan berikut:

Mrs. Tina: “I have two books of science. ….”

4. Perhatikan kalimat berikut:

Ara: “Of course. Can you lend me the second one, please?”

Dari kalimat ini, Ara meminjam buku kedua yang disebutkan oleh Mrs. Tina, yaitu A Philosopher Looks Science.

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5. Pada soal tidak tercantum kata apa yang digarisbawahi. Menurut saya adalah kata “searched” yang berarti “mencari”.

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