My father would buy me a new motorcycle, ____

My father would buy me a new motorcycle, ____
The correct answer to complete the sentence is ….

  1. If I passed the State University entrance test.

  2. If I pass the State University Entrance Test

  3. If I have passed the State University Entrance Test

  4.  If I am passing the State University entrance Pass


Dari pertanyaan “My father would buy me a new motorcycle” terdapat kata “would” yang merupakan past form dari kata will (akan). Conditonal sentence yang menggunakan past form pada formulasi kalimat nya adalah 2nd conditional sentence.

Kalimat dalam soal di atas termasuk dalam affirmative conditional jenis kedua (2nd conditional). Pola kalimat positif 2nd conditional adalah (if + past simple, …would + infinitive) atau (….would + infinitive, If + past simple)

Maka untuk melengkapi kalimat My father would buy me a new motorcycle….. anda harus mencari kalimat dengan pola If + past simple. Dari pilihan jawaban, kalimat yang sesuai adalah  If I passed the State University entrance test.

Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah A. If I passed the State University entrance test.

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