can you mention some attitude problems

can you mention some attitude problems

– what kind of personality is difficult to handle?
– what kind of caption is it?

( gambar no 4 )

2. – make some quotes about nature.
– explain your quotes to your friends.
– compare your quotes and and the quotes in the caption.

( gambar no 5 )

3. – what does friendship Mean to you ?
– write a sentence or phrase under the word “friendship” in the caption.
– what do you think about the quote in this caption?

( gambar no 6 )

4. – what do you think about the picture? is the man happy?
what does this man symbolize
– write your own caption inside this photo


1. – can you mention some attitude problems? adalah soal pada Buku Bahasa Inggris kelas XII halaman 18

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Dalam doal pada halaman 18 Buku Bahasa Inggris kelas XII, kita diminta untuk mengamati beberapa gambar tentang caption dan menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang berhubungan dengan caption tersebut.

Berikut adalah pertanyaan-pertanyaan dan jawabannya:

1. – can you mention some attitude problems?  Attitude problem atau masalah perilaku adalah lazy (malas), selfish (ceroboh), arrogant (sombong)

– what kind of personality is difficult to handle?  personality which is difficult to handle is a person who thinks that he/she knows everything and he/she is arrogant.

– what kind of caption is it? The caption is tell someone that we don’t have an attitude problem but they can’t handle our personality

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( gambar no 4 )


2. – make some quotes about nature!  Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better

– explain your quotes to your friends. Look deep into nature and then you will understand everything better means that we should be humble and down to earth. We are nothing compared to nature.

– compare your quotes and and the quotes in the caption. (Disini kita disuruh membandingkan quotes kita dengan quotes pada gambar, sedangkan pada gambar no 5 hanya dituliskan “10 great quotes on natures”.)

( gambar no 5 )


3. – what does friendship Mean to you ?  Friendship is everything. The first person who will help us is a friend.

– write a sentence or phrase under the word “friendship” in the caption.

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Friendship is everything. A friend in need is a friend indeed.

– what do you think about the quote in this caption?

The quote on picture 6 tells about a friendship between two cats. Cat is an animal which is very loyal to its boss/ lord. So, cat can be a good friend.

( gambar no 6 )


4. – what do you think about the picture? is the man happy?  Yes. He seems to be happy. He is a well known people who discover a relativity theory.

-what does this man symbolize? This man symbolize a  cleverness and imagination.

– write your own caption inside this photo ! The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination.

( gambar no 7 )

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